DHI the Direct Hair Implantation technique is the most advanced and innovative hair restoration treatment performed with a Choi implanter pen device in order to treat hair loss both in men and women painlessly and more comfortably in a shorter time.
In spite of DHI technique is essentially based on the FUE technique, DHI hair transplantation is partially observed and considered as a new hair transplantation technique. The major difference with of DHI with FUE technique is; it is not necessary to open the canal before transplanting the hair follicles by DHI. In hair transplantation performed with the DHI Choi pen technique, the grafts extracted from the donor area are transplanted directly to the recipient area. DHI is very different to older methods so that it leaves absolutely no visible scaring and provides more natural results.
What is the DHI Hair Transplant technique?
The DHI hair transplant technique is performed under local anaesthesia. Hair follicles received from the donor area are transferred directly to the recipient area with a DHI pen.
The follicular unit collected from the donor area is placed on the needle of the implanting pen for implantation.
The DHI hair transplant process involves transplanting your healthy donor hairs inside channels that are opened simultaneously. A special device known as the CHOI Pen is used to directly implant your donor hairs by creating channels and transplanting your hairs into them at the same time.
Thanks for the DHI hair transplant technique, the exact angle of the hair can be determined while implantation which allows for a completely natural looking with the best results. The special choi implanter pen device is used to implant each and every hair with a high precision and best accuracy. DHI allows for achieving a much fuller and thicker results as well as looking same like a natural full hair.
One of the major advantages of DHI technique is; the patient will recover in a shorter time. The hair transplantation patient will only have to stay in Turkey for three or four days at most.
How does the DHI hair transplantation technique performed in Turkey?
The DHI technique can be performed under local anaesthesia. The DHI implanter pen is used to directly transplant hair follicles extracted from the donor area to the recipient area.
The follicular unit received from your donor area is placed inside the Choi needle. Hair follicles with the convenient thickness are placed on the needles by varying diameters at an angle of 40-45 degrees. The follicles will be planted one by one in the designated area according to the hair transplantation planning. The Choi pen’s needle pushes the hair follicle simultaneously and inserts it in the channel that is opened in the scalp.
In a typical DHI hair transplantation process; two Choi pens and an average of 10-12 different Choi tips at least are used in DHI hair transplant operations. Due to the thickness of the hair, different diameter tips and pens are chosen before the operation start.
In comparison with the older methods; the latest DHI hair transplantation technique enables to implant almost 3 times more hair follicles per each cm2 area. In some circumstances, while you can implant 100 hairs with the older techniques like FUE, you can implant more than 250 hairs with latest DHI technique.
DHI hair transplantation risks are extremely minimal. In compared with the older methods, there is almost no bleeding, almost no risk of infection, no complications, and just only a few temporary side-effects that last at most a week. These temporary side effects are typically limited by swelling and bruising.
The DHI hair transplant procedure typically takes 5-8 hours. This time frame may change due to the size, area and the number of follicles to be transplanted during the procedure. Both for men and women, the dhi method is very efficient and has satisfactory results.
DHI hair transplantation technique is known as a breakthrough in hair transplant procedures to achieve the most natural looking results. The Choi implanter pen use makes it possible to implant hair more densely, with a so little impact on the integrity of the skin.
How is the recovery progress for the DHI hair transplantation in Turkey?
You will be guided and receive professional aftercare in order to make sure that you recover successfully and well. The bandage and head band will be applied after the completion of your procedure. You will be prescribed with the relevant medications as well.
The first hair washing will be performed the next day after the operation by the clinic expert. The bandages will be removed right before your first wash and you will not need them anymore. Relevant hair care products for your recovery and post treatment will be supplied and the correct use will be instructed to you in detail. In addition, the crusts that naturally occur on your scalp will be totally washed away around the 7 th day after the hair transplant operation.
An itching feeling is very common and occurs on the very first few days after your procedure. You must not touch or scratch your scalp in any way in order to avoid root damage for any of the implanted hairs. You will be also prescribed a medication for itching condition.
It is paramount and a must that you avoid any of possible strong contact to your scalp for the first 10 days in order to avoid any implanted hairs to being uprooted. Wearing of any cap, hat or any items that can make contact with your head must to be avoided.
The examination for the hair follicles and overall condition of the process will be performed by the hair transplantation experts. A gradually relaxation will come to you due to healing gets better and better by all means day by day. The first few days after DHI hair transplantation are the most delicate times. You can return back to your country after the second day of the treatment.
Around by twenty days after the operation, the implanted hairs will begin to fall off. This is called a shock fall syndrome. This is a natural healthy response of the body and those same hairs begin their permanent growth after around three months. After the sixth month of the dhi hair transplantation, more than fifty percent of your new hairs will have grown.
You will be able to see the full results maximum by ten to twelve months’ time. The healing and post-operative period progress may show variations by each individual since every individual have varied healing abilities and medical backgrounds.