Tummy tuck is also known as abdominoplasty surgery. This surgery technique removes the fat and excess skin in the tummy area, and tightens the looseness in anterior abdominal wall. Tummy tuck surgery procedures eliminate undesired fat and sagging skin on the abdomen area in order to restore your body contour and sustain a youthful appearance.
During the tummy tuck surgery, excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen part. The connective tissue in the abdomen part is usually tightened with sutures as well. The remaining skin is then repositioned to design a more attractive and toned look.
In addition, Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) can efficiently sort out patient’s sagging problem. You can get rid of stretch marks on the stomach area, tighten the saggy skin and remove accumulated skin-fat. This sort of operation involves with liposuction. If problem are present at the bottom area, they are sorted out by an incision perform in the area known as bikini line. This technique is the least traumatic method that can be processed for aesthetic scars to be minor.
Who is a good candidate for Tummy Tuck Surgery in Turkey?
The best candidates for abdominoplasty are the patients who have excessive fat that could not be resolved with exercise or diet. It is also a very ideal solution for patients with sagging issues results with complaint of skin looseness in their abdomen.
Pregnancy is also another known subject. Particularly after pregnancy, the abdominal skin may become loose and stretchy, and the abdominal wall muscles surrounding the organs in the abdomen may relax. 
Yоu аrе also a good candidate fоr tummy tuck surgery in Turkey іf уоu desire tо:
Fееl mоrе attractive and fіt
Boost уоur self-confidence
Feel pleased with thе ѕіzе & рrороrtіоn оf уоur tummy.
Fееl very соnfіdеnt tо wеаr your best bіkіnі.
Have an easy and wide сhоісе to dressing.
No need to hide your tummy and belly аnуmоrе.